We buy and convert empty offices into homes for people!


Battens Lane

AEOB acquired a site on Battens Lane in the St. George area of Bristol, and turned it into a housing project in line with our vision. The converted building houses about 10 people in a mixture of two-bedroom, one­-bedroom and studio flats. AEOB owns the building under an asset lock that permanently sustains the Society’s principles. These will always help to build a community and can never be sold for profit.


Target - £900k
Actual - £628k

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"In England, the biggest single recorded reason for homelessness is now the loss of an assured shorthold tenancy (AST)
The percentage of homelessness acceptances in England recorded as being due to the loss of an AST has doubled over the last five years, from 13% in 2008/9, to 26% in 2013/14."
– Source: DCLG
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